The most important piece of news of the year reached our apprentice Remo Guido today. The secondary school and vocational training office confirms: Final apprenticeship examination passed. “The federal certificate of competence has been awarded.”
We would like to congratulate our newly qualified technical designer EFZ in civil engineering on successfully completing his apprenticeship! After four years of training at our office and vocational school, he has truly earned this. He has long been an active part of our project work, gaining insight of the construction site, supporting the development of the next generation of apprentices, as well as supporting our appearances at football tournaments and the SOLA relay. Regarding this successful integration, we are delighted that Remo will remain part of the LM-team and will be joining us as a junior technical designer from September.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our vocational trainers for their responsible and emphatic support during Remo’s training. Moreover, we would like to thank our civil engineering training partner TBF + Partner for their support and congratulate our temporary exchange apprentice Nick Goldener on also successfully completing his apprenticeship.