The summer vacations have begun. Many vacationers head for the beaches and shores of seas, lakes and rivers and look forward to bathing fun and water sports in the sun. Quite a few of the young and old travelers from Zurich learned to swim in one of the city’s school swimming facilities. Here the youngest dare cautious attempts in the water, try out diving, practice the first swimming strokes and diligently collect swimming badges.
Together with the ARGE GFA Gruppe für Architektur | BGS & Partner Architekten, we recently had the opportunity to participate in the overall renovation of two school swimming facilities on the structural design side. After a successful planning selection process, we simultaneously supported the refurbishment swimming facilities Staudenbühl and Altweg.
Essentially, the program included renewals of the energy technology, the building services and the pool water technology. In the listed Staudenbühl facility, for example, a lifting floor was installed. For this purpose, the bottom of the pool was deepened, the interior concrete shell was demolished and the pool was rebuilt according to the new geometry.
After the work was done, we are pleased to have two beautifully restored pools in which the joy of swimming is awakened again.
From the small blue to the big blue. We wish you nice vacations, and don’t swim too far out!
(Photos: fotografie architektur Roland Bernath, Zürich)